Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths : Learning by Doing

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chromatography experiment


Science: Chemistry: Separating Mixtures
Age 7 to 13

Exploration rather than explanation. Have fun while learning science.

Coloured chemicals can be separated using a technique called chromatography. This is a chance to mix science and art!

This experiment uses paper chromatography to separate the different coloured dyes in felt tip inks.

Chromatography is also widely used in areas like forensics and developing new vaccines.

The free project guide has all the information you need:

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Straw Rocket

Science: Forces: Aerodynamics
Age 7 to 13

Exploration rather than explanation. Have fun while learning science.

Build and fly straw rockets. They may not go to the Moon but you’ll learn about rocket design and have fun seeing how far you can get them to fly.

The free project guide has all the information you need:

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red cabbage indicator

Red Cabbage Indicator

Science: Chemistry: Acids and Bases
Age 7 to 13

Exploration rather than explanation. Have fun while learning science.

Make a liquid that changes colour as if by magic! And use it to test if a substance is an acid or a base.

  • Make an indicator from ordinary red cabbage leaves
  • Test some of the substances from the kitchen to find out which are bases, which are acids
  • Check out what an indicator does
  • Learn about the pH scale

The free project guide has all the information you need:

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Cola and Mentos

Science: Chemistry
Age 7 to 13

Exploration rather than explanation. Have fun while learning science.

This is a science experiment that everyone talks about. Even adults! Explosive and messy, it sends a fizzy drink fountain that rockets into the air.

As well as the fun you'll find out about nucleation and why it is important in dealing with climate change.

The free project guide has all the information you need:

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Science: Physics: Sound
Age 7 to 13

Exploration rather than explanation. Have fun while learning science.

Feeling musical? Here's how to make a simple harmonica.

  • Find out how sounds are created
  • Changing Pitch and Frequency

The free project guide has all the information you need:

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Roots and Shoots

Science: Biochemistry: How plants grow
Age 7 to 13

Exploration rather than explanation. Have fun while learning science.

Seeds contain all they need to start life as a new plant. Normally most of what is going on is hidden beneath the soil but in this project we are 'going underground' to see all of this amazing process.

  • What seeds need to germinate
  • How the new plant develops
  • Why this matters

The free project guide has all the information you need:

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Cartesian Diver

Science: Physics: Forces: Buoyancy
Age 7 to 13

Exploration rather than explanation. Have fun while learning science.

  • Make a toy diver to learn about buoyancy.
  • Dive to the bottom and then return to the surface. Or hover halfway just like a submarine.
  • Learn about why things float or sink.
  • Find out about Archimedes Principle.

The free project guide has all the information you need:

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