STEM is an umbrella for the inter-related areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. It covers a wide range of studies from primary (or elementary) school through to university and modern apprenticeships. For those who are so minded, studying STEM subjects offers a broad range of rewarding careers.
All young people (actually all people) should have the opportunity to enjoy exploring STEM. It helps them understand the world about them and to have a more informed view on major issues like climate change, the environment and the impact of technology on how we live.
The projects and activities here are aimed at young people starting out in the world of STEM. To give them a sense of what STEM subjects are all about, why they matter and to motivate them to find out more. The projects are designed to be carried out by children themselves (with appropriate help/supervision from an adult).
The projects and activities are relatively short and intended to serve as an appetiser or taster from a broad range of STEM topics. They are real practical examples of doing STEM and with any luck children will be asking themselves ‘What if’ questions and going off on tangents to explore their own ideas. The emphasis is on ‘learning by doing’ and having fun – this is a worksheet free zone!
The projects are all aligned with the curriculum and will support learning at school.
We are just starting out on a mission.
Unfortunately the opportunities for young people to get involved with STEM, such as after school activities, science fairs and code clubs can be very limited. As part of an involvement with the *Stem Ambassador Scheme, stemforstarters was set up as a way of meeting this challenge with a growing collection of STEM projects that are readily available. Created once, they can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime.
We plan to add new projects on a regular basis to build a vibrant hub of STEM resources so make sure you come back and see what’s going on. And if you got any ideas you’d like to see incorporated into what we are doing we’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line via our contact form.
* To find out more about Stem Ambassadors visit